Board Meeting Agenda


November 18, 2019


7:00 PM


William Teeple, Luther Haave, Riad Assaf, Ralph Bullis, James Ludwig


Leon Pfeiffer, Greg Olsen

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order @ 7:30pm
  2. Approval of Minutes – Approved by James, seconded by Ralph.
  3. Registration of Bylaws: Leon submitted these in August. Alberta Societies is usually 4-6 months behind. Ralph called Alberta Societies (next day-morning of Nov 20) and was told they are currently processing submissions received in July. It will be about a month before they get to August applications so we should expect to receive a notification for our submission by the end of the year or longer.
  4. Suggested letters to owners: Luther to send this to the Board for review and approval. This is the letter that highlights homeowners’ responsibility to understand the bylaws and guidelines and consequences of not conforming.
  5. Website update: Riad to contact at Pixel Army (webmaster) to post minutes of meetings and other relevant information. Riad emailed contact the evening of Nov. 20 to get together for an introduction/coffee and discuss the process of updating the website. Riad will coordinate communication between the Board and the Webmaster going forward.
  6. Financials Reports:
  • Grounds maintenance has been a challenge this past year following a new contractor. Issues now appear to have been resolved. It is recommended that the current one-year contract be reopened for bids next May. Jamie and Ralph will work together to negotiate bids.
  • HOA fees: In order to maintain services as well as tackle the cost of inflation from services including but not limited to: grounds maintenance, fence maintenance, revising our website, etc, we may have to look at a small fee increase. The fees haven’t changed in a number of years and currently fees are lower than some other neighbouring communities. This is an investment in our community.
  1. New Business
  • Cheque signing: In order to ensure there are 2 signing officers available for cheque signing at all times, we need to add a 4th signing officer on the account. Currently, members are quite busy with work and travel and some with lengthy out of town commitments. In order to minimize delays in paying invoices and time required by the Administrator to get cheques signed, we should have a 4th signing officer. This should make it much easier for cheques to be completed and signed when needed.
  • Re-institute newsletter as a form of communication to homeowners.
  • Sump pumps: Homeowners need to be made aware that they are not allowed to pump sump water to sidewalks as this is a hazard when the water freezes and it also deteriorates the sidewalks. It’s actually against the bylaws. *** Luther to add this to the homeowner letter (agenda item #4).
  1. Next meeting: February 11, 2020 @ 7pm. Approved by Bill, seconded by Riad.
  2. Motion to adjourn by Bill @ 9pm, Approved by Ralph, seconded by Riad.

Riad Assaf