Board Meeting Agenda


May 15, 2023


7:00 PM


Leon Pfeiffer, Nancy Muzyka, Bill Teeple, Cathy Fuhr, Gary Biasini, Sheyleen Pfeiffer, Doug Lewis



1. Call to order at 7:12 - Approval of Agenda (approved - motion by Bill and seconded by Nancy - passed unanimously) and approval of Meeting Minutes from April 24, 2023 (motion by Bill, seconded by Nancy and passed unanimously).

2. Website Update (Website Maintenance)

May, 2023 - Trial period with Vitoria completed and currently it is taking between 5 to 15 hours per month to maintain the website — on a go forward basis ERHA can be invoiced either at $25.00 per hour or $200.00 per month. ERHA will retain Vitoria on a monthly basis (at $200.00 per month) motion by Cathy and seconded by Bill, passed (Doug abstaining).

3. Treasurer’s Report - Update Income

-GIC - $261,795.78 ($5,000.00 January 12, 2023) GICs maturing

-May 16, 2023 - $47,308.72 in a two year GIC (annual return of 4.6%)

TOTAL REVENUE - $63,901.96

Upcoming Expenses

- Grounds Maintenance - $1.200.00

- Internet/Website - $200.00

- Big Bin Day - est. $900.00

- AGM - $200.00

- Outstanding Cheques - Bombini Bros - $2,625.00)

4. Administrator’s Report

(P 941 - letter to be sent by lawyer)

5. Fence Update/Fence Committee

Nothing to report - Leon and Bill will do a walk around and then steps will be taken to retain Mr. Chen and Students’ Painting to replace and repaint

6. New Business

A. Spring/Summer Newsletter

- Newsletter completed and will be posted on the Website.

B. Boulevard Landscaping/City of Edmonton

-Bill has contacted Tim Cartmell’s office and is currently waiting for a response - Bill to follow-up for clarification as to City’s expectations/process.

C. Big Bin Day/Neighbourhood Watch (May 25, 2023)

- May 25, 10:00 - 2:00 at Henderson Park

- there will be a shredder on site

- table set up for Neighbourhood Watch

- door sticker program

- neighbourhood signs (will identify locations for signs - we will work on this over the next 3 or 4 months)

- programme for seniors - helping to identify scams. Schedule a session at the library

- block party likely at Henderson Park/

Neigbourhood Watch will cover part of the cost and will contact the City for the necessary permits.

D. Compliance with Building Guidelines

-Bill will contact the City of Edmonton to determine what was approved and report back.

E. Christmas lights

-Cathy will prepare a power point outlining the cost related to the lights.


- move meeting to the week of June 19, 2023 (tentative)

7. Next Meeting

- AGM date to be determined

8. Adjourn Meeting

-Motion by Doug to adjourn the meeting, second by Cathy and passed.