Board Meeting Agenda


March 13, 2023


7:00 PM


Leon Pfeiffer,Nancy Muzyka, Bill Teeple, Doug Lewis, Gary Biasini, Hali Kaur, Cathy Fuhr, Sheyleen Pfeiffer



1. Call to order at 7:11 - Approval of Agenda (approved - motion by Bill and seconded by Nancy - passed unanimously) and Meeting Minutes from January 24, 2023

2. Website Update:

- About 80 people have joined the website 

- Everything migrated to the new website

- Association to send a reminder (Vitoria will send a further request)

- Outside sign advising of website will be placed when weather allows

3. Treasurer Report - Update:


-Annual Dues - $64,637.00

-Penalties and Interest on overdue fees - $116.00

-Legal Fees Reimbursed - $343.00

-Interest (GIC) - $2,000.00

TOTAL REVENUE - $68,250.00


-Grounds Maintenance - $2,048.00

-Fence - $230.00

-Administration Fees - $1,200.00 and $300.00

-Certificate of Incorporation - $41.00

-Legal - $1239.00

-Office Supplies - $90.00

-Bank Service Charges - $27.00

-Internet - Nil

-Professional Fees - Nil

TOTAL EXPENSES - $5,174.00 (2023 to date)

4. Administrator Report - Outstanding Fees:

-XXX — $250.00 owing

-XXX — $250.00 owing (waiting for proof from homeowner that the fees have been paid)

-XXX — $250.00 owing

-XXX — total owing is $453.00 (current $250.00, penalties $28.00 and $175.00).  Two years in arrears.  Forward to lawyer to send demand letter and file a lien - lien to be filed after April 1, 2023.

-XXXX — $250.00 owing

-XXXX — paid $175.00 - $75.00 owing

-XXXX— $250.00 owing

-XXXX — $250.00 owing

5. Fencing Update/Fence Committee:

- No report at this point - waiting for snow to melt to complete the walk around

6. New Business:

A. Schedule/Policy for invoice notifications and reminders (Sheyleen)

- December 1 invoices, 30 days later a reminder and then final reminder February 1 confirming April 1 date and advising that collection will be forwarded to lawyer 

- Letter from lawyer - confirming penalties and that penalties will continue to accrue 

B. Collections after final notice - costs (Sheyleen)

- Lawyer will be charging $100 plus GST per letter and $500 for the lien and these costs will be included in amount owing by the homeowner (demand letter should include this information - Sheyleen will confirm with lawyer the legal cost of the lien)

C. Neighbourhood Watch (Nancy)

- Nancy will be attending training in April (community ambassador and training focuses on what you look for and when you report)

D. Reserve Fund Study update (Leon)

- we have requested an engagement letter and letter has not been received (Leon will follow up)

E. Homeowners’ Association - Maintenance on City Land (Urban Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday March 21, 2023)

- Association must enter into maintenance agreements with City (City is considering inviting requests to enter into maintenance agreements).

- Start with Tim Cartmell to determine what is expected and what needs to be undertaken by the Association (we are interested in considering the program - Bill will reach out about the program and the Association’s responsibility)

F. Request from new purchaser of house on XXX to install solar panels on south side of house/stucco change (investigating whether to install solar panels).  We don’t have a position in our guidelines about solar panels and we would appreciate receiving whatever information is gathered about the solar panels.  Our concern is how the solar panels impact the look of the neighbourhood.

G. Election signage - signs cannot be placed on the outside of the fences.  Post information in the website (cannot attach to the fence because of damage caused to the fence)

H. Proposed date for the AGM - Nancy will check with the Community League (possible dates end of May or early June)

7. Next Meeting Date and Location:

- Next meeting Monday April 17, 2023 followed by May 15, 2023 meeting 

8. Adjourn Meeting - motion by Bill and seconded by Cathy